If you have difficulty communicating, take the time to perform the following checks before you decide that there is
something wrong with your radio.
Make sure you have all the switches set properly.
Check all cable connections to ensure that they are tight.
Make sure that the antenna is properly connected and positioned.
Try to verify that you have LOS with other stations.
Change position to see if communications improve.
If you have not heard net traffic in some time, perform passive late net entry.
Make sure your radio has adequate power (especially manpack).
Look and see if another net station is co-located in your area (called co-site interference).
Determine if you are being jammed by the enemy. If so, take appropriate action.
Should your radio give a strange, unexplained message that doesn't automatically clear:
Set FCTN to STBY , then return to SQ ON. This action may clear your problem.
If it does not, and the situation permits, set FCTN to Z-FH and wait for GOOD, then to OFF and wait 10 seconds,
then back to Z-FH and again wait for GOOD. Now run self-test. If GOOD results, reload and re-enter net. If
problem still exists, contact unit maintenance.
If you still cannot communicate, there may be something wrong with your radio. However, any one of the above operator
troubleshooting actions may put you back into communications. They are well worth trying.