TM 11-5820-890-10-6
To provide operators of SINCGARS manpack and vehicular RT's
including SIP/ASIP version radios with quick reference memory
joggers to assist in task performance during training and
operations. The primary goal is to prevent radio operators from
having to memorize any tasks, steps, or other procedures. Through
reference to this pocket guide, the properly trained SIP operator
should be able to perform, without assistance, all primary operator
tasks, and those special tasks for which especially trained.
This pocket guide covers the five primary operator tasks and ten
special tasks. Tasks are presented in flowchart format, with
minimum essential explanation. In addition to normal SINCGARS
tasks, SIP/ASIP specific, Special Operator's 9-10 tasks, this guide
includes essential graphics, SINCGARS PMCS, Handheld Remote
Control Radio Device (HRCRD) operations, and selected tasks
pertaining to the Precision Lightweight GPS Receiver (PLGR).
Operators are to refer to the SINCGARS Operator's Manual, TM
11-5820-890-10-8, and other appropriate TM's, when additional
information is needed.
SlP radio configurations carry a "D" designation. Unit authorized
SIP radio configurations will receive only SIP components: RT-1
523C/D and AM-7239C/D. ASIP radio configurations carry a "F"
designation. Unit authorized ASIP radio configurations will receive
only ASIP components RT-1523E and AM-7239E. Other
SINCGARS radios will carry a "A" designation.
AUXILIARY ITEMS The Automated Net Control Device (ANCD) and ITEMS: PLGR are
considered to be authorized and employed in conjunction with