TM 11-5820-890-10-1
VEHICULAR ANTENNA: Radiates/receives RF signals for RT. Mounted on vehicle.
(AS-3900 or AS-3916, part of installation kit.)
POWER AMPLIFIER: Provides 50 watts of RF power during transmit. Slides
into mounting adapter: mates with jack at rear of adapter. A second unit is used
for LR/LR and is mounted in a separate mounting base.
POWER AMPLIFIER MOUNT: Provides control interface and support to sec-
ond power amplifier.
CVC HELMET: Used for voice communication. Connects to C-2298/VRC (control
box) connectors J802 and J803 (the control box is connected to AM/1780/VRC
connector J507, and the AM-1780VRC is connected to mounting base connec-
tors J3 and J4).
CONTROL-MONITOR (CM) (if used): Connects to mounting adapter connector
J9 or to power supply adapter connector J3. Used to remotely control RT (one
CM can control up to three RTs). (Part of installation kit.)
HANDSET: Used for voice communication. Connects to amplifier adapter con-
nector AUD/DATA A J3 (when RT is mounted in an amplifier adapter) or to RT
connector AUD/FILL (when RT is mounted in a power supply adapter). When us-
ing a headset, connect to amplifier adapter connector AUD/DATA A J3.
MOUNTING ADAPTER: Provides interface and support to RT and power amplifier
(in LR radios). Mounts in mounting base.
LOUDSPEAKER: Loudspeaker-Control Unit, LS-671/U (loudspeaker) monitors
RT voice/audio communication. Connects to mounting base connector J3 (for
RT in position A) or to mounting base connector J4 (for RT in position B) . Loud-
speaker LS-454/U may be used. Connects to mounting adapter connector J6.
MOUNTING BASE: Supports mounting adapter. Bolted to vehicle.
10. RECEIVER-TRANSMITTER: Slides into mounting adapter or power supply adapt-
er: mates with jack at rear of adapter. RT in position A is always the bottom RT.
RT in position B is always the upper RT. If you have a SR/LR, the RT in position
A is the LR RT and the RT in position B is the SR RT.