TM 11-5820-890-10-1
2. SC frequency loaded Into MAN channel. When preparing for a cold start
net opening, the net communicates using the SC frequency loaded into
the MAN channel.
3. Hopset. The hopset is the set of frequencies that the RT hops on (changes
frequency) during FH. The radio hops on more than 100 frequencies
per second.
4. Lockout set. A lockout set is a series of frequencies that are not used dur-
ing FH operation. When a lockout set is loaded into the RT, the frequencies
that are contained in the lockout set are no longer part of the hopping pat-
tern. It may not be necessary to load a lockout set (check SOI). However,
if one is required, it MUST be loaded into the RT prior to loading the hopset.
Otherwise, the keyboard display will show L7, L8, or both. This means
that your RT is missing mandatory lockout sets.
5. FH sync time. This is needed to synchronize FH communications. FH sync
time is loaded by transmission from the net control station radio during ERF.
It can also be loaded into the RT by keyboard actions. During cold start
net opening, the member radios receive FH sync time at the same time
that the ERF is received.
CUE FREQUENCY: This is a single channel frequency. It is loaded into the CUE chan-
nel by keyboard actions. It enables someone not in a FH radio net to CUE, or con-
tact, the FH net. When CHAN is set to CUE, MODE to SC, and handset push-to-talk
is pressed, CUE is displayed at NCS or designated RT display. The CUE frequency
is listed in the SOI. Only the NCS, alternate NCS, and designated members should
load the CUE frequency.
LOADING FH DATA: Two methods can be used for loading FH data. One is called
local fill; the other, electronic remote fill (ERF). Both load the data first into
the RT holding memory; the holding memory is a temporary memory, so the data
must be moved to the RT permanent memory. It is stored in the permanent memory.
Both make use of the RT keyboard. When a button is pressed, the display responds.
It shows what has been done. It also shows when another keyboard entry is needed.
An underline (-) on display means another entry is needed.
LOCAL FILL OF FH DATA: Local fill makes use of an ECCM fill device or a tape read-
er. There is little difference between lockout set and hopset loading. When a hopset
is being loaded and ST0 is pressed, the display shows STO-. The line on the dis-
play means another keyboard entry is needed. The operator must press a number
button (1-6) to indicate in which channel the hopset is to be stored. The line on
display then changes to the channel number. The hopset is then in the permanent
ERF (ELECTRONIC REMOTE FILL): ERF does not make use of a fill device. Instead,
the net control station (NCS) transmits lockout sets and/or hopsets to net member
radios. There is little difference between a hopset ERF, and a lockout set ERF. When
the NCS sends a hopset, the following are sent at the same time: FH sync time,
TSK, hopset, and hopset ID.