TM 11-5820-890-10-1
After transmitting ERF, members will confirm their reception and storage of
hopset for FH sync time (sent to them in step h; display will change as shown,
beep will be heard).
Tell members to set CHAN to channel where ERF was stored (channel number
sent In step h), and stand by.
Set CHAN to channel where ERF was stored (channel number given In step
g). Display will show hopset ID.
Confirm communication with each net member on hopset channel.
m. Repeat g thru i for additional hopset(s).
n. Tell members to set FCTN to SQ ON (or normal operating position).
If a member was "lost" during ERF, do the following:
(1) Tell other members to stand by (have alternate NCS control net operation
while you are out of communication): then set CHAN to MAN and repeat
steps g thru I.
(2) If contact was not made in step 1, set CHAN to channel where you last
had communication with the lost member (net members are instructed
to monitor the MAN channel and wait for NCS to find them).