TM 11-5830-263-10
MCS Operation for Radio and Intercom Functions
For demonstrating VIS operational procedures PROG 1
is utilized as an example. Procedures outlined for
PROG 1 below also apply to PROG 2, PROG3, LS
(Listening Silence) and ALL program modes except the
display will change according.
a. Initial operation of the VIS begins upon power-up of the MCS (via the
vehicle power through the radios/radio mount) by:
1) Setting the PROGRAM switch on SYSTEM
2) Setting the SYSTEM switch on PROG 1
b. The display will show
while the system is initializing.
c. Programming information (for programming procedures refer to
d. The Built-In-Test (BIT) starts; the display will show t e s t
The BIT, in addition to checking the system configuration for system and ANR
power, performs three functions in the following order:
1. Power-On Poll - where each, crewstation (FFCS), as well as
radios A through F, are polled to determine their status (connected or
disconnected/defective), in other words, the MCS is seeing what's out there.
2. EEPROM Test - where the MCS tests the read/write capability of
its memory by storing and retrieving test data from the EEPROM RAM. If the
MCS cannot store radio access data in its program memory error messages
"err1, err2, or err3" are displayed. These error messages cannot be cleared from
the display by pressing the CHANGE button.
3. Configuration Test - where the MCS compares the connect
status of the crewstations and radio(s) that have been programmed into memory
via the system configuration procedures (refer to para. 2.10.1) with the connect
status as determined by the Power-On Poll.
e. If there are no configuration discrepancies or errors, the display shows
p a s s followed immediately by the system mode P 1