TM 11-5820-890-10-3
The NCSs biggest responsibility is to ensure uninterrupted communications (regardless of operational conditions or other
requirements). At times, radios will not respond as they should. NCS guidance to operators should emphasize the
importance of trying the operator troubleshooting checklist before reporting a technical problem with the radio. Likewise,
NCS operators can keep communications flowing by taking any or all of the following NCS troubleshooting steps.
Check your radio(s) using the operator checklist.
Ensure NCS station has LOS (line of sight) with at least one net member. As the situation permits, move your station
as required to establish LOS with all stations.
Make sure all stations have the most recent update (FH data). Call missing stations using old preset if appropriate.
Check distance of forward stations to ensure that they are still within the SINCGARS voice/data range. If not,
consider a RXMT mission to regain contact.
Ensure that you transmit often enough to keep all member stations in time synchronization.
Make sure that your radio is the only one in the net set to I FHM I . Especially check alternate NCS stations to ensure
that they have returned to FH after answering a CUE call.
Be alert to CUE calls from other commanders, aircraft, and various support elements. Ensure that you or an alternate
NCS responds quickly, helps the calling station enter the net, and minimizes interference with net operations.
If the enemy has demonstrated direction finding capabilities, make sure you or an alternate NCS station displaces
after each use of single channel communications.
Be alert to co-site interference; take immediate action if it occurs.
Respond to enemy jamming quickly: Alert the net and help members work through jamming to continue